EtG: 84% is good enough...
It seems just yesterday these people claimed there were no false-positives and anyone with a read was treated as if they were in denial while they children were taken away, jobs hung in the balance, possibly jailed and of course my favorite more EtG testing. Is this vicious circle finally spinning out of orbit? A quote from states," In one analysis of 25 positive EtG levels 21 (84%) were from admitted use of alcohol. 11 of these were admitted use within 24 hours of initial confrontation regarding the positive test and 10 were admitted over the following days, weeks, and months of continued monitoring. 4 positives continue to be outstanding and are currently not known if they were from drinking or not." Still no mention of how many were confessing for a lesser punishment even though there was no drinking episode. I know of one SCRAM case where the defendant was facing a bond violation and a confession meant a $250 fine. Sixteen of one hundred, would you ride the roller coaster if you knew 16% of the riders died? Now, would you take your family? It is more than just a previous offender that suffer from false-allegations, leaving me to believe that the witch hunt for the "problem" drinker hurts more than it helps.
To continue with the MADDness, they add:
With these facts in mind respond to a positive EtG test in the following way:
Irregardless of the level, contact the individual and notify them affirmitavely that their test has shown that they were drinking alcohol (In our experience approximately half will admit drinking. This depends in large part on the perceived consequences of admitting it. If perception consequences can be reduced a higher admission rate will be achieved.)
Let the individual know that the primary goal in notifying them is to obtain assistance for them and support to them and that the consequences for drinking will be less if they can be truthful (now or in the immediate future) and admit their drinking.
If drinking is denied and there are no other significant indicators of relapse then be sure the individual is advised regarding avoiding all ethanol containing products and continue regular monitoring with EtG/EtS testing. (At least weekly for 1 month and then monthly thereafter).
If drinking is denied and there are other significant indicators of possible relapse (ie poor attendance at group meetings, reports of AOB, etc) then refer for specialized evaluation (can be performed initially as an outpatient evaluation to determine if further intensive evaluation is needed (to possibly include Phosphotidyl ethanol, CDT, polygraph, trails of exposure to alleged source of "incidetnal exposure" to ascertain if similar EtG level can be achieved, test for "auto-brewery syndrome", contact with collateral sources of info, physical exam, other lab w/u (LFTs, MCV, etc), etc)
Translation- Push them in a corner and jab, if this doesn't work tell them we will help them even though were just here for there money (Do you care if the neighbor drinks his liver into a mushy goo?) Now if there are no other indicators we'll try again but if there is and the defendant is still denying, give him/her a polygraph!!! This might be why our forefather's added the Right to Privacy in the Constitution.
To continue with the MADDness, they add:
With these facts in mind respond to a positive EtG test in the following way:
Irregardless of the level, contact the individual and notify them affirmitavely that their test has shown that they were drinking alcohol (In our experience approximately half will admit drinking. This depends in large part on the perceived consequences of admitting it. If perception consequences can be reduced a higher admission rate will be achieved.)
Let the individual know that the primary goal in notifying them is to obtain assistance for them and support to them and that the consequences for drinking will be less if they can be truthful (now or in the immediate future) and admit their drinking.
If drinking is denied and there are no other significant indicators of relapse then be sure the individual is advised regarding avoiding all ethanol containing products and continue regular monitoring with EtG/EtS testing. (At least weekly for 1 month and then monthly thereafter).
If drinking is denied and there are other significant indicators of possible relapse (ie poor attendance at group meetings, reports of AOB, etc) then refer for specialized evaluation (can be performed initially as an outpatient evaluation to determine if further intensive evaluation is needed (to possibly include Phosphotidyl ethanol, CDT, polygraph, trails of exposure to alleged source of "incidetnal exposure" to ascertain if similar EtG level can be achieved, test for "auto-brewery syndrome", contact with collateral sources of info, physical exam, other lab w/u (LFTs, MCV, etc), etc)
Translation- Push them in a corner and jab, if this doesn't work tell them we will help them even though were just here for there money (Do you care if the neighbor drinks his liver into a mushy goo?) Now if there are no other indicators we'll try again but if there is and the defendant is still denying, give him/her a polygraph!!! This might be why our forefather's added the Right to Privacy in the Constitution.
Please would any of you contact me with information or your contact info? I am in a similar position with my boyfriend and we are trying to gather data..
My e-mail -
Please, if you are serious about fighting the scram injustice as read in all these blogs, please write me (i am not a lawyer) at
Please give your history while wearing your scram bracelet, along with any incidental information that might be helpful.
We cannot win alone, but in numbers we can. With you in this fight against injustice.
From Michelle Rodriguez' (LOST actress that was fitted with the bracelet- from her official website0 her entry in February of 07) I pay fines, do my community service, and I get a sentence to wear a bracelet for three months. The bracelet is to detect liquor content in your sweat every half hour it takes a reading using some split fuel cell type technology. I go to get this thing put on and I realize this thing is like a freaking VCR, and why do they care If I drink, what am I gonna do, drink and walk over someone, I have no license. Anyway I put this contraption on and the second day the guy calls me and says you've got an alcohol reading. I was like, I haven't had any liquor. He's like, well you can't use listerine, no shampoo, or soap, or lotion, or perfume, with alcohol in it. I tried to get them to put me in jail but they had their mind set on this bracelet. So I go away to new york a couple of months ago and I get another reading, I'm like are you kidding me Im f-cking Fasting... I was on the cayenne peeper lemon water cleanse for four days straight, all I had in my system was lemon, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water... After about three readings from this thing I started to feel a bit like a pawn, I didn't like the Idea that I could do possible jail time for using the wrong shampoo, fasting out toxins, or having vanilla in my tea. I felt like a guinea pig for a new technology. I think that level of vigilance is great for alcoholics, druggies, and heroin addicts. Yet I felt for someone like me, who loves her life too much to f*ck it up for a sip of a beverage, this level of control just isn't necessary. Thank God I got to take it off for a month or so to go work on "Battle in Seattle".
Now how the hell was she not taken away. Who the hell was her lawyer....
Not everyone is immediately disposed of or sent to court. They may have had reason to believe it was external due to the read. Happens again and she'll be fighting and if she is an actress, it most likely will happen during make-up! (seen it)
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