SCRAM: Illinois Buys It
Their hyping it up in Illinois-
[...]Some critics argue it's another example of Big Brother encroaching on personal liberties, but supporters contend it's the best tool yet for combating alcohol-related crimes and clogged jails and prisons.[...]
A Big Brother approach is an understatement...
[...]The eight-ounce ankle bracelet [...]
Will hobble one with abrasions, bruising, infection (How does one clean the wound?) and leaves permanent scars...
[...]"We still have to work out a lot of details," said Birkett, a lieutenant governor candidate, "but this is going to focus on people who clearly have an alcohol problem and their alcohol use is tied to their crime."
Ironically, one of the state's top DUI defense attorneys, Donald Ramsell, worked with the company on legal issues. He supports it as long as the program is voluntary and isn't abused to punish social drinkers.[...]
And the deciding factor can be how high the EBT result is, erroneous it may be...
[...]"You want to make sure it's accurate and that there's a process in place to appeal a reading if it's in dispute," said Ed Yohnka, spokesman for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois.[...]
Yeah, proving innocence is "virtually" impossible, in fact, impossible in most scenarios...
[...] 45.2 percent of fatal crashes in the state involved intoxication, compared to 39.6 nationwide.[...]
Completely inflated, fictitious statement, remove intoxication and add "a measurable amount of alcohol in any driver, occupant or pedestrian involved" and we are a little closer to 45%...
"I believe that most people would not mind the slight
inconvenience of being arrested for a low blood-alcohol
level, given the opportunity to prove their innocence …"53
Linda Campion, MADD presenter and founder of the Kathleen A. Campion Foundation
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