Tuesday, October 24, 2006

SCRAM: Setting Them Up For Failure


In this article, they point to another study on the TAC/BAC correlation, yet, what happens when the alcohol detected was not consumed? Already it is known that the device is non-specific, meaning the read can be caused by things other than alcohol much like the Ignition Interlock detects yeast products. I was recently contacted by a person claiming, "My son was sent to jail for about forty days for two probation violations because his SCRAM unit showed what Jeff Hawthorn called drinking episodes. We went to court and prevailed thanks to a Judge who ordered two probation officers to wear SCRAM units and spend an hour in close proximity to my son and the oven that he works by in a bakery. All three units indicated alcohol consumption. AMS and Jeff Hawthorn need to be held accountable for the losses that people incur do to SCRAM's inability to distinguish consumed alcohol from invirnmental alcohol. Seems as though AMS is able to profit from a hastily marketed product." Intersesting that they feel it necessary to bump a district atttoney who clearly has an interest in justice!

Guy added that he knows of at least one SCRAM case from Mecklenburg County where a defendant might have been better off financially had he opted for a lengthy prison sentence. "Are we setting these people up for failure?" he said.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a repeated offender of the D.U.I. law. I am now on the scram bracelet. I've been on it for about 30 days and agree with the statements of it's discomfort, it being applied to only those offenders with the ability to pay for it, etc. I would like for my probationer to wear it and fear everything, he touched,ate,drank, or even breathed. But, I confess that, I went through the airport security, used their ignorance of the bracelet use , and they cut it off as a potential security device breach. So,plan a trip to Las Vegas or family trip, it is the holiday season and enjoy yourself this holiday.

6:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the midst of a "release on bond" for an alleged OVI charge, which after the alleged victim went to a doctor five days after being seen in the ER and had "no serious injuries" and suddenly had a "concussion". My charges were changed to aggravated vehicular assault because of her accusation that 1) I was at fault and 2) that I caused her serious physical injury. Now mind you, I have not had my day at trial....I have not been convicted of anything and it's my word against hers which incidentally, I haven't had the opportunity to give. So...this brings me to "INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY". I am currently wearing my INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY" "right" on my right ankle; SCRAM. I am peeing in a cup twice a week and am forced to go to AA meetings. "I have been "sentenced" to these punishments or going to jail,without even going to trial. So....anyone can make an accusation and the courts (OHIO)can SCRAM you without prosecution proving you are guilty beyond reasonable. HELL, it's been 4 months and I still have not had my day in court, just delayed cases resulting in larger fines and the monstrosity on my ankle.

4:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And.....see above comment....I haven't heard any results on my SCRAM yet....next thing will surely be some violation and I'll be in jail before I can even defend myself from this "alleged victim" and her greed at my expense.....its Christmas Day today..best Christmas of my life...NOT!!!

Very angry "innocent" person

4:48 PM  

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