Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor system is a relatively new and very effective alcohol monitor.SCRAM is used in nearly 30 states and is taking over the traditional methods of testing such as preliminary breathylizer tests (PBT)or urinalysis,but does not read blood alcohol content (BAC).Instead,the SCRAM bracelet (worn around the ankle),supposedly reads from vapors emitted through the skin.Unfortunately,it can detect everything from deodorant and hair spray to household cleaners.These are all items on what is called the banned items list,however,there are many products that contain alcohol that do not list it in an ingredients list.Windex is a perfect example,everyone knows about ammonia, but it is also 2% butoxyethanol and 3% isopropyl alcohol!In some cases they can tell by the printed read if alcohol is from an outside source by what I believe they called "spikes".This is when the level of alcohol jumps to a really high level and falls faster than the human body can actually metabolize it(There is also a charge for this called "tampering").In my case,I believe the diffusion was retarded by being trapped between the bracelet and skin,but fifteen hours of witnesses saved me from a confirmed alcohol consumption.The reading,according to testimony of the represenative of House Arrest Services and Alcohol Monitoring Systems, was indicative to that of consumption,but in fact was a fuel spill of some significance.If this happened on my day off,my only witness would have been Jozlynn,my 2 year old daughter.A definite conviction from an indefinite device.The consequences are not major so the subject does not draw much attention.The repercussions on the other hand can be loss of jobs,homes,credit,custodial rights just to name a few.
My first two tethers were loosely fitted on my leg leaving the bracelet vulnerable and causing extreme discomfort ,abrasions and ultimately infections .These images are two different examples of early stage abrasions. The tether fell down my leg constantly,every time I climbed stairs,stepped down from a curb,walked any significant distance or perspired.If the tether is loose it is vulnerable to outside influences and there is a permanent scar on my left leg the size of a nickel from trying to avoid obstructions.SCRAM bracelets are armed with a system that detects interference and it sends out
an alert.Again,these obstructions can be caused by socks, sheets, pant legs or a thin blanket and can happen when the probationer is unaware or even sleeping.
Apparently,from the testimony of a SCRAM system operator,it doesn't qualify as an obstruction unless it occurs for 6 hours in at which time alcohol could still be detected.I myself had an obstruction for 12 hours,even though there was no alcohol consumption detected,witnessed,or purchased,I was convicted.There is no way to prove a probationary was not being delinquent,but with a police disbatch or as in my case,they could have called,warned me of the problem,had me remove what ever was obstructing,wake up the bracelet and give an updated download.These alternatives would be so much more constructive in ones recovery,rather than wait 5 days hit them with a court date and leave them prove otherwise.I have yet to find any scrutinous research done on this aspect of the device,but with a proper procedure,it shouldn't need one.You may ask,how can the courts charge a probate with consumption of alcohol without an actual BAC/BrAC,or alcohol even being detected by their monitor.Truth is,Rule 702 has been a controversial issue for sometime now.Scientific evidence does not need to be tested by an independant 3rd party,but instead the trial judge acts as a "gatekeeper" and he/she is the one to determine the reliability of the evidence.In my case,the Judge gave a fair trial and played the role as well as humanly possible,but one thing that concerns me is,what is the known or potential rate of error.According their research thus far,SCRAM is infallible!My "confirmed alcohol consumption" was not the first to be dismissed in Michigan.As a result of the previous post the attorney published an article challenging the testing of SCRAM In the report he claimed there was only one published research specifically on the SCRAM system and it was paid for by AMS.Of course AMS countered with their own publishing, that shows there was independant study on the subject,but doesn't include an independant study on SCRAM.Again,the obstruction device is not the subject of scrutiny.The more they use the device the more false positives it will read and soon,not soon enough,the worlds first infallible device will be under the scrutiny of the scientific as well as the legal community.Then maybe Rule 702 can catch up to 21st century technology.
According to a thread running on a local list serve, a Google search shows that the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) is a propriety system of a privately held company, Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc. That seems intent on marketing their wonderful new product. They cite one "white paper" The Determination of Blood Alcohol Concentration by Transdermal Measurement A White Paper by J. Robert Zettl, BS, MPA, DABFE Commissioned by Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. as verification of their technology and results. But if you actually read the "white paper" there were only three test subject individuals, two women and a man, listed. When N=3, I’’m not sure the technology has achieved general acceptance in the scientific community. I could be wrong, but there might be a Daubert issue or two with the SCRAM.

My first two tethers were loosely fitted on my leg leaving the bracelet vulnerable and causing extreme discomfort ,abrasions and ultimately infections .These images are two different examples of early stage abrasions. The tether fell down my leg constantly,every time I climbed stairs,stepped down from a curb,walked any significant distance or perspired.If the tether is loose it is vulnerable to outside influences and there is a permanent scar on my left leg the size of a nickel from trying to avoid obstructions.SCRAM bracelets are armed with a system that detects interference and it sends out
Apparently,from the testimony of a SCRAM system operator,it doesn't qualify as an obstruction unless it occurs for 6 hours in at which time alcohol could still be detected.I myself had an obstruction for 12 hours,even though there was no alcohol consumption detected,witnessed,or purchased,I was convicted.There is no way to prove a probationary was not being delinquent,but with a police disbatch or as in my case,they could have called,warned me of the problem,had me remove what ever was obstructing,wake up the bracelet and give an updated download.These alternatives would be so much more constructive in ones recovery,rather than wait 5 days hit them with a court date and leave them prove otherwise.I have yet to find any scrutinous research done on this aspect of the device,but with a proper procedure,it shouldn't need one.You may ask,how can the courts charge a probate with consumption of alcohol without an actual BAC/BrAC,or alcohol even being detected by their monitor.Truth is,Rule 702 has been a controversial issue for sometime now.Scientific evidence does not need to be tested by an independant 3rd party,but instead the trial judge acts as a "gatekeeper" and he/she is the one to determine the reliability of the evidence.In my case,the Judge gave a fair trial and played the role as well as humanly possible,but one thing that concerns me is,what is the known or potential rate of error.According their research thus far,SCRAM is infallible!My "confirmed alcohol consumption" was not the first to be dismissed in Michigan.As a result of the previous post the attorney published an article challenging the testing of SCRAM In the report he claimed there was only one published research specifically on the SCRAM system and it was paid for by AMS.Of course AMS countered with their own publishing, that shows there was independant study on the subject,but doesn't include an independant study on SCRAM.Again,the obstruction device is not the subject of scrutiny.The more they use the device the more false positives it will read and soon,not soon enough,the worlds first infallible device will be under the scrutiny of the scientific as well as the legal community.Then maybe Rule 702 can catch up to 21st century technology.
According to a thread running on a local list serve, a Google search shows that the Secure Continuous Remote Alcohol Monitor (SCRAM) is a propriety system of a privately held company, Alcohol Monitoring Systems Inc. That seems intent on marketing their wonderful new product. They cite one "white paper" The Determination of Blood Alcohol Concentration by Transdermal Measurement A White Paper by J. Robert Zettl, BS, MPA, DABFE Commissioned by Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc. as verification of their technology and results. But if you actually read the "white paper" there were only three test subject individuals, two women and a man, listed. When N=3, I’’m not sure the technology has achieved general acceptance in the scientific community. I could be wrong, but there might be a Daubert issue or two with the SCRAM.
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While the modem calls at your designated time, it also makes random calls and if it is interrupted it will continue to call out every 5 to 30 minutes and there were a few times my modem got stuck on call-out mode. I would unplug the modem and call to inform them and they would say it needed to be reset so all I would have to do is unplug it for a minute and plug it back in, this sounds like the problem you had with your phone line. I would like to say that is all but they seem to find new problems with this device monthly. While I knew what caused my consumption reading, the read I was convicted of happened when I was sleeping. Anything can cause a consumption read from laundry detergent to gasoline, and without the battery evidence it is still a tough battle. I believe he sent the reads to AMS where they decide if it was a drinking episode, unfortunately they play dumb to protect there investment and prosecute anyway, but most cases of outside influence there is spikes in the read and that would be your best bet to build doubt, Good Luck
hey, i have a SCRAM tether and i was wondering is anyone had a copy of what you called the "banned items lists" becasue evrything i use seems to have alcohol in it...thanks
Anything with alcohol, I know we don't have the luxury to avoid alcohol totally for it is in gas, cleaning supplies etc...One wearer even claimed working in a bakery (yeast, which does trigger non-specific alcohol testing devices) set his off, as well as two probation officers testing it.
Dear Readers,
I will be standing in front of the judge, because they accused me of obstructing the tether. Which is impossible, because I haven't done anything to it and haven't consumed any alcohol. I called and went to the device checks, they changes the battery. I did as I was told to do. The device is not worth its money. How can I proof that this thing is reading false? Me against a computer, well good luck. Additional to that the payments. I find it discriminating that a person that makes all the payments she can and will pay it off by the time the scram comes off, they tell you that you violate your probhation. Someone who's got the money it's fine, that stinks. I could go on and on. The justical system needs a lot of improvement in this department. You turn a number and they will shredd you in pieces. If you are not an alcoholic it makes matter even worse for you, because you feel like a criminal.
This is for marcellus91872....You are absolutely right. It's everywhere at work places. You must live in a bubble to avoid any contact with alcohol. From sprays, cleaners, deodorant, make up and so on. Even lots of foods contain alcohol, did you know that one. In addition with the body chemicals? Well, have the smart ones ever thought of that?
My daughter had a scram bracelet on and you must use all natural products from a health food store that runs up to quite an expense. You also have to stay away from furniture polish and dont wash windows or mirrors in the house with windex. You cannot be around any mosquite repellents. Makeup, polish or any feminine hygeine products are also forbidden.Now the diet, you cannot eat anything made from yeast such as bagels or english muffins or raisin breads they all turn to alcohol. Chocolate ice cream has coco beans that have a form of alcohol, and alsojuices such as grape or cranberry ferment in your system . The list is endless and the product is putting a lot of honest people in jail.
June 29th, 2007
Everybody listen to what I tell you now! I wrote about a month ago that I would be standing infront of the judge, because house arrest accused me of obstruction of the tether (at work and at school-what a joke). So, on May 16th - my court date - I went there and requested a public defender, because I cannot affort a lawyer. Guess what, I went there and oops, it was not a public defender day! So it was adjourned to June 28th. That means, I had to wear the tether another month. Before that court date I had to go to house arrest for equipment check as they call it and the device was exchanged for another one. After seeing the report on Fox 2 and reading about how this device can fail, I live in fear and anxiety and believe that this company and the court is playing russian roulette with someones life. Anyway, the best is to come. Between the last wasted court date and June 28th, I wrote my prohbation officer an email and did ask if the public defender will have time to look at the paperwork from house arrest. The answer I got was - isn't this why they adjourned the court date? Well, I thought she knew what she was saying. Now yesterday, I looked like a complete idiot in front of the judge, because the public defender said to me I should hire a lawyer, because he has no time to request the papers. Basically, they are the 5 minute laywers in court. I feel pushed around and nothing is done. I am trying to keep it as short as possible. Everybody I talk to said this rediculious. Besides that, at work I am forced to sterilize my hands, the floors are cleaned with a strong chemical and the list goes on. Further more, because of my social status - speaking lack of money, I find it discriminating of the system to punish you even more. You can not pay to bad....I earn my money honest and clean, but I have only what I have. I am just angry that none of the oh so mighty judges are even try to listen to you. I did what I did and I paid the price for it and it makes me feel like an animal that is caged besides the swelling of my ankle and numness of my toes, but as usual money makes the world go around and house arrest makes a great profit on something that belongs back in a lab for more testing! Suggestion for everybody who is wearing this expensive piece of jewelry, keep log where you are, what you do (don't kiss anyone who had a drink - seriously), be careful what you eat - do this for over six months and you mostly will go nuts and have lots of money for a very good lawyer, because chances are you will go to jail - even if you are not guilty! So much for justice...
Greeting from a very frustated single mom that can't find any sleep
Not to mention I was tested by 5 different companies, 2 others before that and H.A.S. was the absolute least professional company I have ever come across. These guys make Enron look like saints. If they get a conviction, they get to test you more, and their answer to the abrasions, infections and odor-switch legs!
I was told I owed $580, I actually owed $340. I told her that I was to be paid that day and the money was in the mail, she stated that if it were not paid the next day they would contact my judge. I told her i was not going to put my child in a stroller and walk 20 miles, she interrupted with you signed a contract! I informed her the contract was expired. She insisted the money be paid or I would be taken to court, I replied with I beat your F-N asses in court once and I'll beat you in court again. They contacted the court and claimed I owed $240, leaving out the beginning of the conversation. As they called to harrass me about the $240, They continued to tell the court I owed, The day it came off I had
the money, ending balance-$0.00!
May all their children be subject to an injustice!
Marcellus are you kidding me? The children of judges, lawyer and rich influential people are lucky! Very, very lucky....If you know someone who sits in the right position things are done speaking of Uncle, Daddy, Cousin ect. It is called vitamin C = CONNECTIONS.
I was wondering. Since the house arrest is a private company, if I am left with scars on my leg, I could technically sue them. Is there anything in their standard contract that says you would have scars? I will do some research on that one. The reason I am asking is, when I had the device changed at their office, I noticed very dark punctures. Not to speak of the part where you scratch around the device because it itches like hell to the point where you get bloody sometimes!
I have a question. I have called House Arrest to get copies of papers/readings where I am getting accused of obstruction of tether. They reffered me to my probation officer. Then I emailed her and she wrote back that HS would present the paperwork at my court date. I find it a little strange that I can not get information about my own case. Did anyone experienced anything like that? Can the probation officer withold information about me and not discuss it with me. I thought they are there to work with YOU and not against YOU.
Exactly what this site is about. The unconstitutional procedures of use, Sixth Amendment means nothing to the people who found it to be quite lucrative to violate your right to privacy. Use your lawyer, he may need to slip "due process" in their a few times though!
What do you do, if you don't have the money for a lawyer? It looks like the equal right is not for everyone and only the ones who have money are better off! Not everybody get a fair trail. The public defender is pretty useless. 5 minutes is exactly the time he took for me the past court date and nothing was done.
I've been wearing a SCRAM bracelet for about three weeks and will be having it removed at the end of the month. So far, I've been fortunate enough to have had an experience without incident. My electronic monitoring agent walked me through the process of being able to upload info anytime and so that's been much more convenient than the 7AM time I originally chose. Also, I've had to go out of town for business on the weekends and there was never an issue with skipping a few days, as long as the agent was informed prior to my departure.
The first weekend I had it on, I really tested it out. I ate raisins, played with yeast, and consumed Ben and Jerry's ice creams that listed "chocolate liquor" as an ingredient. I kissed my girlfriend when she came home from the bar and nothing was recorded by the bracelet. I have been skipping tiramisu and any other foods with obvious alcoholic components.
As for the fit, it was a bit painful at first - something the agent warned me of when he first put it on. After about 1.5 weeks, it loosened slightly so it was more comfortable. I use a hair dryer on the bracelet and my skin after showers to help keep the area dry. It does get in the way when I walk, but pausing briefly to adjust the bracelet works well. I'm a runner so it sucks that I had to give that up for a month, but in the meantime, I've been rowing instead. I am able to play racquetball and have short bursts of running, just not sustained. So far, the area exhibits trauma no greater than what happens to one's wrist after wearing a watch for many days (slightly shiny quality, faint odor).
I was unable to find conditioner without alcohol in it, so obviously my hair has suffered slightly as a result. Shampoo, body wash, and deodorant weren't difficult to find.
Hopefully everything else will go well for the short time I have left and I won't have any problems. I look forward to swimming again!
You are very fortunate to be wearing it for a short time and that without false readings. Try that for 8 month, I garuantee you that you will go nuts. Besides that, cleaning and even blow drying is not proventing it to be a bacteria breeding ground. Anyway, I wish you all the best. You don't have much longer.
Without going into detail that would provide information that could be used to defeat the SCRAM, the tamper testing that was performed by the "Forensic Expert" was scientifically flawed and simplistic. This so called expert's report only demonstrated his lack of scientific credentials, and amounts to nothing more than pseudo scientific marketing hype.
If you have been falsely accused of consuming alcohol, request a Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) blood test. This sensitive test can detect the use of alcohol for up to 3 1/2 days after it was consumed. If you are tested very soon after the SCRAM alert, this test could be used to clear you. Beware though, this test may have false positives if you have been exposed to other sources of alcohol [mouth wash, hand sanitizers etc].
FYI ...
The EtG blood test is a good idea, but what if you get a notification after the 3 1/2 days that you violated probation ect. This nonsense can drive a normal person crazy. Fact is that this equipment is a bunch of rubbish. Why don't they call you like they do with their so called equipment check and test you right that day or the next and keep those readings such a secret that only your probation officer can give you this information, which she is not willing to do. I have the ultimate answer for that. They are pure money hungry hyenas that found a great market to make their profit. It makes your head spin to think about it. It is like playing "God" with somebody's fate or better to say, they play "Russian Roulette" with you. They will not admit that this piece of garbage still belongs into a lab for more testing! On top of that it is a health hazard. Why do you think you scratch and itch and smell (even if you shower and blowdry)? If a doctor would take a sample what's between you skin and the device he would tell you it's bacteria build up! I can't tell you what kind of nasty bacteria, but it is microscopic nasty living things that crawl on your skin that's why the oder. Very simple!
This device should be called SCAM not SCRAM because it is a scam if I ever saw one. In less than two months the bracelet has been swapped out twice, three different batteries, two modems, it hasn't sent readings for up to four days at a time, my P.O. actually called me and asked if I still had it on,it has torn my leg apart,th security clip has fallen out causing the battery to disconnect and I had to put it back together,and in New York you have to have two DWI's in five years to qualify for this program, mine are 8 1/2years apart, on and on it goes.
I also have the sobrietor phone, which is illegal, as in New York you're only supposed to have one OR the other but the fun part of that is the sobrietor sets off all the lights etc. on the SCRAM modem.
Hopefully there is a special place in Hell for all involved in putting me and you others through this s..t.
My real name is Ken Payne,, and I don't care about anonymity.
there has to be a way around this dam thing!!!
I'm getting fitted with one of these beauties sometime within the next three days (to wear for the following sixty) as part of my all-inclusive (eighteen months of probation, no doubt) sentence as a result of my first OWI.
From the glowing reports I've read here (in addition to some scientific reports [I still have more to read]), I'm looking forward very much to the experience. I would love to hear more of your stories as I will have no problem pursuing a court case vouching for those harmed by this seemingly barbaric device (& company): the SCRAM (& House Arrest [or is it AMS?]). I have plenty of attorney and doctor friends, to boot.
Not that I'm on a vigilante mission here, but we'll see what happens...
Oh, and not to come off as crass, but the person who posted anonymously @ 1:00pm saying, "I've been wearing a SCRAM bracelet for about three weeks and will be having it removed at the end of the month. So far, I've been fortunate..." appears to spew such a nauseatingly half-positive account as to cause one to look twice and think, "that's almost a good sales testimonial for an otherwise mandatory device." I love this gem, "So far, the area exhibits trauma no greater than what happens to one's wrist after wearing a watch for many days (slightly shiny quality, faint odor)." It makes you wonder.
This is not a 100% accurate monitoring system. There are so many things that can cause it to falsely alarm which could easily screw someone's life up. The court offered me this BS and I said I would rather have jail time. It is my right to drink and they are violating that right.
I hate this thing.I had it put on July 9th and had nothing but trouble.First of all I was a bartender til yesterday and have had 3 false-positives since then.My probation officers a dick and says Im dodging a big bullet.asshole!!I only had false readings in the fourteen days since this has been on when I was working.Environmental?yeast?what gives?I wouldnt risk a drink for a year in jail.Also they said it registered about as much as 1 andhalf beers.I said for what its worth,I wouldve got shit-faced drunk,if I was gonna drink and risk jail time at all!!!This thing is bullshit and Im out of my job until this thing comes off.
Ive had mine on almost 24 hours. Its already wearing a hole in my ankle. Its rubbing on top of the bone and is horribly painful. If this scars me and causes an infection I will be going after the manufacturer for products liability and after the state for requiring it to be on. Its a guranteed settlement out of court. The last thing that needs to happen is for a suit to be won against a company for such a thing and for the state to lose on one of their biggest money makers. EVERYTHING that has to do with being punished for a DUI is a scam for money.
The foods with alcohol in them are burnt off during the cooking process. As for foods that aren't cooked with alcohol in them, DON'T EAT THEM!! If you are stupid enough to eat them, then you deserve to get caught!! You would have to eat 265 chocolate doughnuts to have a reading of alcohol. The batteries in the units last for 7 days once a low battery warning is triggered. The computer issue does not make any sense. The modem calls out on a phone line, not on the computer. The results are sent to a web server via the phone line. As for the sores/scars, those issues are self induced. If you was and dry the area properly there will not be any problems!! It's all about the hydiene of the person. After all of this is said and done, it is not the monitoring company's fault that YOU got in trouble for the D.U.I., it is your own!!!! TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS!!!! IT'S NOBODY'S FAULT BUT YOUR OWN!!!! GET OVER IT AND STOP PUTTING OTHER PEOPLES LIVES AT RISK BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPID AND IMMATURE DECISION TO DRINK AND DRIVE!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. I wore the SCRAM Bracelet for 227 days and had no issues with false positives, phone/computer issues or sores/scars!!
Oh, not a kool-aid drinker! Yes some of the enquiries I get are not brilliant, however...
1: Strap an eight ounce anything to your leg and walk a mile to and from work, AA meetings, and counseling plus a once a month 14 mile hike to probation (averaged 40 miles a week) what happens to your skin? It is not hygiene.
2: Yes alcohol is burned off, but your body eliminates the ingestion as if it were not and metabolites such as EtG will show up in a test which cause erroneous reads, and one will lose liberty, custody etc... for nothing.
3: Actually consuming two yeast doughnuts (ingredients yeast & sugar-familiar) can create endogenous alcohol. Since it was not consumed the is no first pass, resulting in a higher amount eliminated through the skin causing reads up to .02, enough for incarsaration.
4: I paid my fines, did my jail time and never blamed the company for my indiscretion, however making false police reports is a crime as the word is defined.
5: 86% of wearers go unscathed.
6: After researching all this I found that there are more suicides due to DUI arrests than there are innocent fatalities. According to MADD- There are at least 1.389 billion uneventful drinking and driving events every year, and there counterpart NHTSA states that distractions cause more deaths than any other explanation. One could drive better if I shoved the phone up their.................................nose!
well ive read all the comments ya this thing sucks i have to wear it 4 6 months ...if they violate me for any false thing im just gonna cut it off because its relly irritating ..and 4 the anonamous comment @5:16 f off the whole problem is getting in a car while drinking 4 most hell 4 all we know u work 4 the stupid company or know somebody high up .....but hey thanx all 4 all ur info
I got this thing on after my probation officer did a breathalizer test on me and received a .01 reading however she put it as a .10 on the paperwork and bam put me on the SCRAM bracelet. My probation terms stated I am not allowed to drink at all. Anyway, I contacted the p.o.'s supervisor and of course she made excuses for the .10 vs .01 reported. I told her there were other witnesses in the room but, in the end it is what the P.O. say's. I have never been a drinker or drug user and the reason for even being on probation had absolutely nothing to do with Drugs or Alcohol. I was also put on a constant drug testing after my urine came out diluted. As a person who has never been in trouble with the law, I couldn't believe that I could be violated for having diluted urine something which was not explained to me prior to going to test. Oh and by the way all of my previous tests have came out negative as I have been on Probation for a year now. This is a complete nightmare. I am involved with my kids sports activities as a team mom but, now I have not been involved as much due to fear of other people seeing the bracelet I am hiding. This all happened right after I asked my P.O. if I could be released early since I had for a year complied with their every demand request and completed every class they asked me to take along with being up to date on my payments. I find it very suspicious that all of a sudden I have to wear a scram and have been placed on intense drug screening. The P.O. said that she has a no tolerance policy so if I have another diluted urine result or the SCRAM gives a reading of alcohol, I am going to jail. I am so scared because I am a single mother of three children and the only source of income in my household and I without thinking wore makeup today.
I am adding the results of my accusations On 12/12/05. from wearing the SCRAM BRACELET. I am the second posting from that year. Carl Keenan my PO. As you read had called me into his office, telling me my readings wear spiking. He accused me of drinking. You will read I took breathalyzer test in his office that very day of being of being accused and I passed the breathalyzer. He tied to arrest me, none the less! How-ever I was stead fast. He had me escorted out of the court house...hmm wonder why?? Dr Alvin Pelt from Mary Haven sent me to Mount Carmel West to take blood tests and what-ever tests needed to prove I had-not drank. That same day of being accused of drinking. I passed!! I had An Attorney named: Mark Hockensmith represent me. I was told by my attorney that there would be a privet hearing in the back room of the court rooms. Over this accusation. I was not allowed in. Carl Keenan my PO and Judge Scott Vanderkarr my judge were present. My attorney Mark Hockensmith came out to the waiting eara of the judges chambers to tell me, since I had done so well. This would be a privet matter and that I would-not be convicted. And the deal was that the court would pay for me to wear the Scram Bracelet one more month. Paid for by the court?? Everyone knows better than that. This device is a scam. And from my reading nothing has changed as recent! No proper testing etc...I recently ran into this problem again. I was called into the Scram office by I will call K at this time for spiked readings, which means you are drinking. I am not even on probation. (Is this legal, to be ordered to wear the bracelet??) I immediately went to my Dr's office. I was tested by way of blood testing for alcohol, drugs and a urine tes. for drinking. I passed. I have to keep this privet for now, because the case is still pending. Once I told K that I had been tested by my Dr, both blood and urine tests...that same day. She said I hope you are happy now. And I hope you have insurance because this is just water in between you're bracelet?? I read the reading on her PC they were spiked. How ironic that I am let go after I mentioned I am tested by my Dr. I will add more to this story later!!...there is much more! MH
12:47 AM
m h said...
I have a lot to say! I recently have been accused of drinking, while wearing the scrame bracelt. I was sleeping while the readings displayed! The readings were peaked and inconclive! My Probation officer Carl K, still refuses to admit to this divice being at faulT. Since this is his baby of recignision!! Carl K called me on: 12/08/05; leaving a message on my cell ph, which still have! Stateing that my battery was running low and that he needed to change it. He stated could-not change it that Fri, because of the snow storm that was coming into Col, OH. I noticed that Fri, my scram bracelet was making funny noises. The noises were that of a mecanical device, that the battery was running low! That evening I could-not sign into my computer. Until I had made several attempts. My internet provider stated that I had more than one computer in use. I only own one computer. When I did sign in. I was kicked off line. The next day, when I tried to dial out on my ph. I heard computor noise on the other end. I could-not use my ph! A friend of mine tried to call me, also. She said she could-not get threw! And that she heard computore noises on the line, while trying to call me. I called the local police in my erea to report a problem on my ph line and my computer. I also was having problems with a man named: Troy B. Who I found was using my ph no, to avoid bill collectors. I found out that he Was deaf! I may have been receaving deaf ph communication calls! ON: 12/11/05 I called The loacal police, the officer took all my information. He volinteered to call the employer of Troy. To put a stop to the calls. I aslo called: SBC and I emailed CallWave, about the the same problems, on that same date. On: 12/12/05 I went into see my Probation Officer: Carl K. He accused of drinking. He tried to have me arrested. He had me take a brathilizor test. I passed with flyer colors! I insisted it was the battery running low. He said that a batter, would-not cause this problem. And that the devise still worked. I said yes, and so does my remote and a car, when the battery is running low. But they malfuntion! He went on to claim this battery runs two weeks after it is running low? Carl K said that he would send my readings into a specialist, I believe in Calfiforna. Carl said that he would call me back that following morning. My daughter S, also called him. He told her the same thing. He did-not call me the next morning. Or the next day! So on Thurs the 14th of Dec, at 12:00 pm. I called Carl. I left a message on his voice mail, asking him why I had-not heard from him? I also said that I would take any type of test to prove I was-not drinking. He did-not retrun my call! That following Thurs I went to a local Hosp to have tests run. To prove my innocents. Carl asked me the following week, to come in again to his office on: 12/21/05. Carl said nothing of the response to my readout on: 12/12/05? He said he had called me in to send my Scram braclet in for testing. He also said that ten experts were going to run tests on my Scram braclet. When I asked him, what the results were of my readings. He wouldn't answer me. He then called in a wittness, to come into his office. A women. I asked him again why he had not given me the results and why he had-not returned me call; from the prior Wed. Carl said that he was-not in is office. And he laughed. He was, or the recepionsist would of taken his call. I sais why did he not give me more tests to prove my innocence. He said that he didn't have to. I called two of his superpior's, that prior week. Telling them both, that I wanted the battery saved and tested! Carl's Head Probation officer said OK. When I was in Carl's office on: 12/21/05. I asked Carl for the results on the battery. He luaghed and he said: "I threw the battery away". I then said: "can I have the name, make and model no of the battery. He didn't answer me!! He picked up the ph and he called long distance to manifacture. He told them I wanted information about battery. When he hung up. He wouldn't answer me! He had me escorted out office. His supervisor Mark E. Said to give Carl K, all my evidance and make copies. When I offered Carl K, my evidance. He rufused it! He said: "You can give it to the Judge". He then made another appt for me on: 12/28/05. I called the BA. They referred me to an atty by the name of: Mark Hockensmith. He believed my story and he is going to represent me for free!
11:24 AM
I dont advocate drunk driving....for WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! But there is a fine line.."gray-zone" or "Money Pit". I have never had a wreck...needless to say never harmed anyone driving a vehicle..HOWEVER I HAVE BEEN CONVICTED of TWO DWI'S....AND I HAVE ONE PENDING. With that said I just go slapped with the SCRAM device. Believe it or would think with my record that I am a HARD-CORE DRUNK. FRANKLY, I DRINK CONSISTENTLY AND MODERATELY....BUT I AM STUPID...In other words stupid enough to give the "COPS" reason to pull me over (i.e expired registeration, failure to signal..etc.) WITH THAT SAID...IS THIS SCRAM GOING TO SEND A RED FLAG IF MY BAC REACHES A CERTAIN P0INT..OR WILL ONE BEER OR A GLASS OF WINE SET IT OFF..?
It has been tested for its accuracy in consumption over and over and proves to be fairly reliable as far as actual consumption is concerned, it is external contaiminents that concern us here.
I think the scram is bullshit!! I have had it on for 8 months and have just 14 days to go. I made no changes other than not drinking. I used all the same health and cleaning products without any false readings. I just avoided getting that kind of stuff directly on my ancle. But what really chaps my ass is the cost!! In my county it cost $18 a day!!! 18 bucks a day for 8 and a half months. I even had to wear it during my 10 day jail sentence getting charged money for jail and teather. The system is fucked!! I am a 22 year old man and lost everything. I understand teaching peple a lesson but damn. I lost my license, job, car, motorcycle, and house because of the $15,000 dollers worth of fines and treatment the courts seem to think is helping me!! Is it really worth staying out of jail. In my case 2 years jail or bankruptcy.
I have the tehther on and I am on vacation 4 states away. My p.o said I dont have to download for theese 11 days until I getback home. How long can this device collect data without downloading?
How long does the tether keep data if i dont have to download for 11 days.
couple of days, don't know if its the first four or the last four, not here to cheat the system, try elsewhere
products i can use that dont contain alcohol...ive sat on the floors for hours pain in the...
I have an idea for beating this thing. Don't get behind the wheel of an f-ing car when your drunk. Since a court ordered you to wear one I would even be willing to say, learn something from the first,or second, or third time you were caught and don,t get behind the wheel of a car again after your drunk. Then you won't have to worry about the pesky scars on your leg and the parent's of the kid you may have killed won't have to worry about the scars on their hearts and lives.
The ignorance is not unprecedented. A hostile spouse in a divorce is all that is necessary. Not drugging, not drinking and/or driving. We will continue to fight for your rights anyway, no thank you needed. Most of the greats were hated or at least unappreciated in their time. P.S. "Don,t" is usually spelled with an apostrophe.
It's funny how the guilty always seem to try and justify their actions by caking attention to some glorious act they may have once participated in... Just because you fight for my rights as an American, that doesn't give you the right to put the innocent lives of all the other people on the road at risk! For someone who will continue to fight for my rights, you sure are careless in your actions and your toungue; and, for the record, I am sure my surrogate mother would gladly exchange her rights and freedoms to have her adopted son back, living, breathing, and enjoying the rest of his life that he was robbed of! Get over your sense of entitlement just because you may have been dealing with a bad situation poorly! You got behind the wheel of a car while you were under the influence, and selfishly risked the lives of all those whom you claim to serve to protect! None of us are innocent, but some of us choose to assume responsibility without complaint, and endure the consequences of our actions, just as we would reap the benefits of a job well done! I hope that calling attention to a slight grammar gaff helps you sleep at night... For me, knowing that some people really are inconvenienced by their poor decisions, helps!
I will assume responsibility for which I or someone I am responsible for has done. Have and always will, this is why I have been in upper management for over 20 years. I agree with you that drinking and driving is an extreme. However nurses were losing their licenses for using hand sanitizer, mother their children for cleaning their dwelling and people their livelihood because one can not go through a day without encountering an artifact that jeopordizes. My actions were accounted for, charging someone thousands for wearing socks is absurd.
OMG! really? It's not like they just grab random, innocent people and "slap" the scram on them. You obviously have a reason to be monitored! I'm sorry its such a hassle for you (sarcastic) but you are the ones who made your choices to put you in the position your in. you know what I think is a shame, our tax money going to babysit people! Do you really need the court system, scram, judges and POS to teach you the difference between right and wrong? I'm going to assume that everyone on this page is an adult, act like it and you won't have to bitch about a little rash! Wahhhhh! Think about the the inconvenience that you put your family, friends, spouse, children, mother, father, co workers, and yourself! quit your whining and deal with it accept responsibility for your actions, learn from them. Maybe this will make you think next time you make a choice.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not preaching from my soap box, I've been in plenty of trouble in my life, so I speak from expirence, just deal with it. Wear a helmet, lifes tough.
Well at least you are not one of those holier than thou idiots! You say you got into trouble, however you probaby COMMITTED the offense. The rash you speak of was an abrasion that was so infected my counselor called HAS to change legs.Six years later I still have the scar. All I want is for them to use the device in a constructive manner. Perhaps next time you could use some integrity before spewing you rhetoric.
Integrity? Yes, I did commit the the offenses and on not nothing about handcuffs too tight, pepper sprayed, ass kicked by ten police officers, I deserved it, I was a punk, learned by my mistakes, not nothing about the consequences of my actions. Got what I deserved. That's integrity. Deal with ur punishment and move on. I have scars frim having a cops knee on my head with full weight on concrete, you know what, he had to vitriol the situation. Unfair? No, doing their job. You don't like what the consequences are then don't put yourself in that predicament. I'm sure you had plenty of chances to correct your behavior before they "slapped" scram on you. Some people just don't learn and the courts have to dictat your life for you.
The problem is, especially in the devices infancy, most of us didn't drink, alcohol wasn't even detected in some cases, like the one I was convicted of...and its been proven over and over observe,
I think instead of complaining, we need to get a working list of things that set off the SCRAM & cheap substitutes (we're already spending enough on the legal system), unfortunately it seems like this thing is what it is no matter if its profitable, unconstitutional, etc.its here to stay, we just have to deal with the consequences.
I think violations depend a lot on the technician involved in your case. Mine seems to be pretty cool. She told me to call her if I had any questions. I called her this am & asked about acceptable/non-acceptable products. Upon installation, I was given the vague list in the contract. I also given a more detailed list by the SCRAM tech at the probation office; she told me I cannot ingest alcohol or anything containing it or apply/use anything with alcohol listed as the first 4 ingredients. She said, "be proactive, read the label of everything, if you go out to eat make sure to ask your server if there is alcohol in your food, use gloves when cleaning, tell your family and friends so they don't give you food with alcohol in it." Which I think if we can take one thing away from this that's positive, its to be more aware of what we are putting in and on our bodies...
For the most part it just takes being proactive and cognitive of what we are doing, which is actually a good punishment for a lot of us. I used for a lot of my research, they have an ingredients tab on every product, and they had every single one of the products I use or used to use on there.
I am planning to safeguard myself against the system, regardless of the bullshit intent of this device, it seems we must be ever vigilant to protect our freedoms, being criminal or not and that's exactly how I am going to handle this.
Cheers! (shots of juice)
Here's a list I compiled of stuff you cannot use:
Hand Sanitizer (Babyganics alcohol free hand sanitizer $4 lots of kids hand sanitizers & kids products in general have no alcohol in them)
Perfume (lots of perfumes are now alcohol-free but my tech told me she doesn't care about perfume as long as I don't put it on my skin, just spray it on the clothes, wait a few minutes, and put them on)
Body Wash (St. Ives Oatmeal Body Wash has no alcohol $5 bar soap ok)
Scented Lotions (Suave
Unscented Advanced Therapy $3 has alcohol listed as the 8th ingredient, Men's Nivea Sensitive Skin Lotion $6 no alcohol )
Conditioner (This one was hard, every conditioner the second ingredient is alcohol! BUT! I found No Rinse (No Rinse is the brand name) conditioner $4 at Walgreens no alcohol in it, works awesome.)
Deodorant (Lady Mitchum Power Gel $4 no alcohol, Toms of Maine is alcohol free if you don't like the aluminum)
Mouthwash (ACT Anticavity any flavor mouthwash $5 no alcohol)
Cold Medicines (alcohol free NyQuil $6)
Toner (Neutrogena Alcohol Free toner $6)
Acne Treatments (Clearasil Vanishing Spot Cream $4 no alcohol, most Neutrogena acne/antiaging treatments do contain alcohol)
Face Wash (Clean & Clear Blackhead Eraser Cleansing Mask $4, Clean & Clear Foaming Facial Cleanser both pink & yellow $4, Phisoderm Deep Cleaning Cream Cleanser $5 no alcohol)
Facial Lotions (Olay Complete All Day UV Skin Shield Moisturizer Lotion SPF 15 $8 alcohol as the 15th ingredient)
AntiAging creams and stuff (Olay Age Defying Anti-Wrinkle Replenishing Night Cream, Oil-Free $10 alcohol the 14th ingredient. Olay Regenerist Advanced Anti-Aging Wrinkle Revolution Complex Moisturizer $14, Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Puff Eye Roller $13 no alcohol)
Nail Polish (they have isopropyl alcohol in them as the 2nd, 3rd or 4th ingredient but when I asked this morning she said nail polish is fine. Acetone and Nail Polish removers $2 no alcohol)
Windex (I cleaned my bathroom mirror last night using a spray bottle with water and a paper towel, worked awesome. I'll never buy Windex again.)
Dawn Dishwashing Liquid (Seventh Generation Dishwashing $4 or wear gloves when doing dishes.)
I'd just use gloves for any cleaning.
I wouldn't chance anything that had my freedom hanging in the wings, so chin up buckaroos, head down and power through.
Cheers! (shots of juice)
Watch out for that laundry detergent, hope they didn't spray for bugs at work, and dont hang out in the bake shop (yeast shows up on non-specific devices). My conviction was most likely from the dead skin from the abrasions, no alcohol detected. Some 84% make it through, you seem to have the same attitude I has when I started, however 7 years ago this thing was in its infancy there was NO KNOWN KNOWLEDGE! Stay away from gas, I beat that case.
So this seems pretty simple to beat.
1) I was told there is electrical current running through your leg to complete the circuit. You can use the same foil strip used on windows for security systems to do this. (if you were going to take it off)
2) The infrared light on your skin is a little harder but still doable. Many people get blisters hiking, walking, or because they are on there feet all day. You would need to take that skin (ripping off a blister) and slide it between the your leg and the bracelet. Once you have done that, the infrared would not know the difference. Remember, the skin will dry out so you must reintroduce water to the sample to keep it in an "alive" state.
3) Temperature, the scram device monitors temperature as well. The best way to do this is a constant heat source of 97.8 - 98.9. You can find one anywhere, just look around.
So there is your answer. If you really want to beat this thing you can. The question you need to ask yourself is why? It's not like you have to drink, and if you are ordered to wear it, you should b/c it is a lot better then jail or worse. -cheers-
That infrared light measures distance, as they place the device on you they take a read, you have x+ and x-, take a look at the testing of SCRAM, it is a small margin for error. It can detect a playing card or saran wrap!
The bracelet I had had piece of plastic on the buckle, to get it off you have to break the plastic, and they will know. You can go right ahead though, you keep saying "cheers". It's not forever, you can drink yourself dead when it's done!
Fuk this system!! My SCRAMx broke off my leg on the first day wearing it. The cheap chinese piece of plastic blew out a set screw and landed my ass back in the county jail. It was on so tight my foot was turning blue. I have had nightmares every night so far. How can something take away your life that is not 100% accurate? Guilty till judged guilty. The inventor of this monster along with the money grubbin legislators, and county nazi can get a big spoon and eat the shat right out of my ass. 1984 is not fiction. The number of fingers i am holding up is one. Can you guess which one it is?
I was issued a DUI , I was in Ketosis and no one even knows what that means ! The legal system only know BAC and start freaking out. The police officers " LIED" blatantly - I refused to answer questions, blood shot eyes....lies about the field test! I didn't go thru the jury , because it was not guaranteed..Because I am 1st time( with zero CRIMINAL OR MOVING VIOLATIONS ). i WILL HAVE ONE MONTH SUSPESPENSION of driving and one year supervision with 5 months of THE BLOWING BAIID - which I think is ridiculous because it too gives false readings...And I have to retest while driving - ANd that is not dangerous - Texting is against the law but this blowing bzness is not !
Booking people for DUI , is not effective. It doesn't stop what it intends to , instead it makes people's life miserable . I say there is too much government in our lives. The MADD should calm down and use better approaches , rather than harrass people.
I feel we should somehow unite for this.
I was ordered to wear this after violating my probation. I have since been working hard to get sober but this thing is a piece of sh*t. Not only are many people reporting false positives, but it is made of cheap plastic and is really prone to getting damaged. Tonight, the plastic on the buckle of mine broke and it fell off my leg. I called my supervising officer and left a message and I taped it back on to my leg. It appears to be working again; I just hope he doesn't violate me. The whole thing is just a money game.
can they track you on gps if you are not on house arrest?
So I recently had a scram braclet placed on my leg on Friday November 30, 2012... and all I can say is WTF!!! Really! I mean I will be wearing this thing for 3 months! I'm am so ashamed with myself for drinking and driving again. I got my first DUI just a little over a year ago. This braclet rite now I'm jus so.. annoyed to be honest. Its almost as bad on being on house arrest. I am not on house arrest rite now. My po told me that she wasn't going to turn the GPS on on the braclet because I wasn't on house arrest. So does that mean that they can't find out where you are? I'm so confused on how this really works. I mean like can I go outta state? Or is there somekind of procedure that you have to go through. And another question is can you get away with puttin a sock on under it?? Not trying to cheat the scram or anything. I'm jus looking to make it more comfortable. Any and all comments, suggestions, and thoughts are welcome.
Thanks so much..
convinced a sock, pant leg or lint from a towel caused my convction.
But my main question is can they track you by GPS if your not on house arrest?
Doesn"t matter, you are not on house arrest! I never came scross anything about gps in my research.
Whaaaa!!! Whaaaa!!!. Stop whining. I have a SCRAM too. It sucks. We did it to ourselves. Obey the law and we wont have to go through this again.
I obeyed the scram contract, hopefully you get a erroneous read, it happens to about 13% of wearers, thats why I been fighting them for over 7 years!
so i have been wearing the scram for about 7 months now i have been doing good until now i have been called in for court cause there saying that i tampered with it i am a bit confused cause the violation was a thursday and they contacted me monday leaving me in the dark for for the whole weekend i was not able to get in and make the proper appointment to prove my innocents has anyone beat this???
Does anyone know how long this battery is supposed to last? I keep having issues with mine and it looks like other people have had battery issues too.
It is not reserved strictly for dui or dwi infractions you ignorant shit, do some fucking research before you post and make an attempt at intelligent thought.
I just got my scram teather april 9th,I as well work with serving alcohol a little bit of beer spilled on my hand tap beer as I put it on my scared to death it will show a false reading!
Thank you so much finally somebody trying to help instead of just talking shit!
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I have read so many people having issues with the battery or problems.after the battery is changed. There must be something to this. My husband was accused of drinking . And tampering the day AFTER they changed the battery and faceplate. P.o. Installed bracelet upside down, and wayyy too loose. Cost us about 6,000 dollars to fight the case.
If I were looking to battle the false positives in a court, I'd certainly look at the pump reliability. They know there is an issue with their vendor and there are false positives. It's a shame people are loosing their lives and livelihoods over this type of testing especially as it is not 100% accurate. The court systems are treating it as 100% accurate and making decisions on this falsehood. Shame on them.
If pumps cant make a full stroke then it is assumed it is being blocked and therefore an obstruction or a flag for positive. If a pump does not make a full stroke and uses the algorithm on a certain volume size then it can overestimate the amount of alcohol.
If the bellows does not conform to the correct material then it can change the volume size. So many issues with the many lives destroyed. :(
All of you acting like victims here have committed a crime. You all knew the consequences when choosing to get behind a wheel while intoxicated yet you rolled the dice and got caught. Now you are crying about your punishment like babies and implying YOU ARE the victims here. BUT, THE GREAT NEWS IS.... if you can't handle the bracelet, etc. - you can certainly choose incarceration. You STILL have choices!! The bracelet is alternative to incarceration. If you don't want to live by the rules & laws, be prepared to face the consequences... This reading is highly comical as most of you come across as entitled children.
So...that's crap. The amount of ketones in your system would have to be high enough (extremely extreme) to blow 0.08. If you were truly not drunk, you should have obviously asked for a blood test. Funny too that you say "booking people for DUI is not effective...". What would you propose then? A drunk driver rear ended us at 10am on a Sunday morning when my daughter was a baby. He could have killed her. He should not be published? Sent off with a ticket? Another ridiculous post by someone who acts like an entitled child throwing a tantrum cuz they got caught and are being punished. Grow up. There are laws. You know them. You chose to break the law. Now you get your punishment. That's life. You folks crying and complaining about your consequences are likely also unable to hold jobs, think you are constant victims, and will never amount to anything so long as you think you are special and should be treated differently than others.
Loud applause. I'm reading these comments and complaints as if they were typed by a bunch of sniveling toddlers but these folks must be adults since they are operating motor vehicles.
I plan on taking this serious and not drinking whatsoever. However I was drinking at least 36 hours before it was put on me . Can and will this set it off or will it detect on breath? I don't want to cheat or anything I just don't want to be flagged since I did drink 36 hours befor
Does anyone know the range you can be away from your base unit if on house arrest?
Can you be in the same room as some one drinking cuz my dad drinks
Can you be in the same room as some one drinking cuz my dad drinks
Can the monitoring companies refuse to take the bracelet off until the balance is paid in full?
Does anyone know what it means when the modem says scramnet contacted? I have never seen this message before. I did use nail polish today and I am a nail biter. That is the only thing I've done different since my bracelet was installed 8 days ago.
Does the GPS bracelet have audio on it like can you be spyed on to hear what you sayw
I know this thread is super old but the reason you can't get the information is in the contract you sign. All data collected by the device is property of the court in which you're being charged. You don't have a right to any of it once you sign.
The original scram bracelet stores approximately 144 "tests" so it depends on what frequency you're set to be tested. The original scram bracelet had a set standard interval, typically 30 minutes
The SCRAMx, which is current as of 2018, has an upgraded memory that can store a bit more tests though I don't know exactly how many. But what sets the SCRAMx apart is the testing interval.
The original used a set time. Every thirty or fifteen minutes, or whatever was set when it was put on.
SCRAMx takes that same standard and applies a deviation value that is different for each client. What that means is the amount of times it tests per day is random. I have one now. The first couple hours I was wearing it, I timed it. It was taking a reading every 5 minutes and 22 seconds. After a few days the times got much farther apart. My typical readings are spaced between 50 and 75 minutes. With occasional rapid fire tests at 30 minute intervals.
When I was having my bracelet put on the technician was juggling three phones because so many people were calling to say they couldn't upload their data. She said the system had been down for 5 days (over memorial day weekend too, must have been stressful as hell for those folks who couldn't upload.)
Anyway, she said that she system should be back up in two days, at which time all the data would upload and there wouldn't be any gaps. That means roughly a seven day memory at minimum, assuming she was being honest.
And I'll tell you guys, this girl was such an airhead I don't think she had the brains to lie about it having a longer memory than it really does.
It isn't tax dollars that pay for judges or juries or public defenders or probation officers or drug testing or scram ... The accused receives a bill for all of that..
Man that's rough. I have to wear one as a condition of being on bond because I was at a friend's house hanging out and went to move my car from the street to the driveway cause I was gonna stay the night. As I was backing the car up (I had moved about twenty feet) cop lights came on and asked me what I was doing I explained. He said there was a report of someone who broke into a yard a street or two over. Told him this was my friends house. Cop laughed, asked me to get out, and you know where it went from there.
Now I have to wear this until my sentencing, each court date keeps getting reset for another 3-5 weeks. I'm at almost 5 months with this on and I haven't even been convicted yet 😔
Look at your monitor. If it says "SCRAM
Continuous Alcohol Monitor
on the face of the main box, then yes.
If not, then no. But if you are paranoid, the bracelet communicates with the home base via RF so they DO know when you're within range of the base. But when you leave they can't see your exact location. All they know is "in range" or not.
SCRAMNET CONTACTED on the second display line accompanied by a flashing red ring is a visual signal that your base is attempting to transmit the data that it collected from your bracelet. It should do that every time your bracelet uploads. It is normal.
The whole process of reading the bracelet and sending the data takes about twenty seconds so it's easy to miss unless you're one of the folks who has to upload manually
That would be illegal under federal wiretapping laws. The SCRAM GPS does not record audio. But it can transmit your location (as well as speed, direction of travel, and elevation) as quickly as once every three seconds if your PO wants to be a creeper
That's exactly what I thought. They are full of it.
You are so full of it! Kid's run there call Center's and do not know or care.
Very well said. Made my day.
What if it does that at a different time than the setup download time?
After my second week of wearing the SCRAM bracelet my house arrest agent called me to let me know that she got an alert that I had been "tampering" with my device. She said the incident occurred at 6:00AM when I was asleep. A couple of days later at 4:00AM I woke up to the sound of my base station alarm going off saying I was "out of range". These events are making me worried because I am not tampering with my bracelet nor am I going "out of bounds" from my base station. Im afraid I will be sent to jail for violation and lose my job. I have a lot of anxiety about this whole situation.
I read your conversation, it is interesting.
I learned all about alcohol monitoring devices like SCRAM alcohol monitoring Bracelet, SCRAM monitor, etc.
I just rinsed with mouth wash thinking it was alcohol free until i tasted it in my mouth. I've been sober for 6 months now, so im very sensitive to the smell of alcohol, and the taste of it tonight, that scared me. Now I'm scared if my scram is going to say I've been drinking. My next court date is on December 2nd. I'm stressed out now.
Take like 3 or four swallows each hour and you will be fine. Don’t finish one twelve ounce can all at once. I got violated for fishing 5 24 ounce cans within 3 hours right when I got released from jail.
I call BS.
Someone give me a honest answer I have been trying to find out for two months now and I want to know the sugar alcohol show up the same as ethyl alcohol or can sugar alcohol be detected on scram because I asked because I'm don't have a lot of money and can't keep smoking cigarettes and got me a vape with 100% vegetable glycerin with nicotine in it and scared to use it because I don't want to get a false positive for vaping and if I'm not using Vapes or vape juice that has propylene glycol it's just vegetable glycerin and nicotine someone please give me this answer and be honest I don't want to go back to jail
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