SCRAM: Health Concerns

An article reads , " Several defense attorneys for SCRAM wearers in Milwaukee said they didn't know enough about the device to comment on it. Tanz, whose client was taken off SCRAM because of system difficulties - among other things."I am wondering if this is another victim of the abrasions and infections caused by the bracelet,they seem reluctant to specify.Already subject to outside influences,this is another fallibility,for if the tether is loose obstructions can occur while the wearer is unaware and even during dormancy. This means that the bracelet needs to be fitted as tight as possible,to protect a person from false allegations.SCRAM units are usually used in cases involving alcohol,most commonly drunk driving charges,which means that most wearers do not have liscenses.Walking an average of 40 miles a week(to meetings,work,etc...),I began to develop abrasions that eventually became one infected wound,the wound took five weeks to heal leaving me with a permanent scar and damage to the underlying nerves.They switched legs and loosened the apparatus and I received a "confirmed obstruction" charge within 2 months.At my last two "standard equipment check" I had to insist the bracelet be tight.Again I developed the abrasions,and at my last equipment check the person fitting the bracelet didn't wear protective gloves,I didn't think about it until later but doesn't that jeopordize both of us,or the next offender with open wounds?I began research to help me avoid these again by identifying and treating if possible without violating probation and have found that there are trancommunicable infections as well as diseases that could transfer in this manner.In another post a wearer says," The devices are not monitored for cleanliness. While my "sentence was being imposed" on me the agency personnel laughed and joked about using a device they had just taken off another defendant."Truth is they do not monitor nor do they recommend the cleaning of the devices.I thought I was the only one at risk when I was approached by another wearer who is experiencing the same complications,and as severe.While conversing we began to wonder who wore the bracelet before us,how was it cleaned,what is the time between removal and reuse?This was the first time I was ever subject to an infection,my third bracelet didn't cause one,so was this the result of a tainted bracelet?I would think that trapping dorment bacteria between skin and the bracelet would provide an excellent breeding ground,body heat,air,moisture from bodily secretion and toxins etc...The bracelet is similar to a cast,itching and rashes I imagine are the most common complaints but any tear in the skin,even from scratching,could be vulnerable.A wearer is limited to prevenative or immediate treatment due to the nature of the device.I am also aware of one wearer that had an emergency room visit due to infections.To date,I have found 6 people that have or are wearing SCRAM bracelets and of them 4 have the abrasions and 2 didn't.It seems (so far 100%)that smaller people are more vulnerable than a larger person.On my final visit to H.A.S.,it was the topic of discussion among the offenders and the staff,which leads me to believe they are common and are not considered an issue,until someone gets really sick or a wearer successfully fights for their right to bodily integrity.
The system isn't universally well-regarded. University of Washington physiologist Michael Hlastala, who has testified as an expert in two SCRAM-related cases, said he doesn't believe enough is known about the way alcohol diffuses into perspiration to make such devices immune from false positive readings and other errors."It's not well enough understood, those mechanisms, to really consider this to be an accurate device," Hlastala said.
"With the benefit of 21st century technology this is the best design they could come up with,an 8 ounce pair of head phones strapped to my leg." Mr.Vega
"One thing was certain, some really smart guy's making a lot of money out of it,"Milwaukee attorney Tanz said.
Hi, I am a single mother with 3 children. Ages 22, 19 and one (still at home) 15. I was just charged with my 3rd drunk driving in a 10 year period. I own my own home and I am fortunate enough to have a good job (15yrs). I work hard everyday and have worked very hard for what I have. I don't and never have drnnk everyday, however,I did look forward to drinking on weekends. I am very angry with myself for making a stupid decision to drive after I had been drinking (yet ANOTHER time)! I am on the Laws side with NO DRINKING AND DRIVING!!! I could never live with myself if "I" driving under the influence caused harm to anyone other than myself. I am very "new" to this SCRAM TETHER, but at the moment, I am thankful for having this option...much better than being in jail. And, I realize that drinking is not an option for me! I don't ever want to drink's ruined alot of my plans in life and now I realize it's also affecting my family's lifes.
I personally felt the same at one time, I thought it would be a great opportunity for me to show the courts that abstinence is not a challenge nor is it a great accomplishment. I never said the device couldn't be used constructively, unfortunately it is not being used that way in most courts. A monitor, not direct evidence, and perhaps one day, if your wearing it for any length of time, you'll understand what this is all about. I have done a diligent study and have only found one person that was charged with a crime that was actually committed (I'm sure there is more). Mopping the floors, cutting lawns, getting hair-cuts, sleeping, and in my case, I believe dead skin from the abrasion caused an obstruction are charges under an erroneous read, allthough they say 60% of wearers successfully complete the program (really would you drink knowing the court is watching-40%?) I hope you can be one of them!!
Hi,I have had a scram tether on for four months now. It was put on due to a probation violation. This is my first encounter with the law due to driveing under the influence on a snowmobile in my own yard, but a friend was on it with me and he broke his arm. That is why I am on Probation. I got caught drinking violated probation from a ETC. anyway, This tether has cost me over 1600.00 in the time i've had it on. Now I got a call from my po saying there was a confirmed obstruction. Two weeks later I had to go in for about my fifth check on it, something was wrong so they had to change it. But the one they changed was on upsidedown and to loose. They said the infared light was blocked for seven hours. I go to court on May 2 2006 in clinton county Michigan.
I did not do anything to this tether. What should I do NO MONEY FOR A LAWYER.
During testing they tried to obstruct with saran wrap, black trash bag, cardboard and a sock,the device still detected a drinking episode. Witnesses may be of help but these obstructions are common when one is sleeping!
I've just had the Scram recently placed on, for a first offense OWI. It's not bad enough that I lost my job as an RN, but now no one will hire me. I eventually tried to commit suicide because of it and ended up in Pine Rest for 7 days. I came out a new person, I felt good about myself and life for the first time in 20 years. i made friends, I was going out, and I was dealing with the years of abuse I suffered. I wasn't even driving the car, a wittness said I was driving, I hate to drink--but I did that day. Now I've cried for 4 straight days because of this tether, it's painful, it gives me severe anxiety attacks, I'm having return nightmares of my abusive past, I again feel worthless and I'm not leaving the house because of it. I think this is the most inhumane device!!
The SCRAM conTRAPtion has opened my eyes to the barbaric nature just beneath the thin veneer of our "civilized" society. It was placed on my leg on Friday and I immediately told the case manager that it was too tight. She refused to loosen it and said it "has to be that way to get accurate reading" and then she said that I would get used to it within three days and not even notice it anymore. It hurt so much and seemed to get tighter and tighter through the day. It was placed on me on a cold morning when I was shivering with cold and blood vessels may have been constricted. By that evening, after a day of walking around and when I got nice and warm in my house, my blood vessels must have expanded to normal blood flow and my legs may have swollen. I was going insane from the panick of knowing that this would be on me for 30 days and that there was no recourse... As hours went by I was developing deep painful red marks and was constantly struggling to adjust it into a better position and to relieve the inescapable pressure, or to lift it from the leg to get some temporary relief. I called the case manager Friday to ask her to loosen it but she said that would be impossible. I kept leaving voicemail messaages for her on Saturday though I knew that their office was closed, to emphasize that I was in constant pain and hoping to be taken seriously. I kept saying "I know that the judge did not intend for this to be physically painful and did not intend cruel and unusual punishment." I eventually left a voicemail for the district manager of the monitoring company and he finally called me back Sat. nite and assured me that the case manager would "probably loosen it if Icalled her on Monday." That gave me some hope to get through the weekend, otherwise I would have probably cut it off and face worse consequences.
When I saw her Monday she said "I'll loosen it one notch even though I'm not supposed to," and she loosened it about 1/4 inch. This was enough to make me very happy for the time, it made such a difference. But even still, it is too tight, and the deep red marks are giving birth to purple marks that have no chance to heal, and I am in pain, and I am worried about long term health problems to my blood vessels and nerves. The clincher was when she said "You know, this is an alternative to jail. It is not supposed to be comfortable." This horrified me beyond any of the physical pain - I could not believe that this nightmare of a case manager could get away with that... The punishment ordered by the judge was home detention, alcohol deprivation, community service, probation - she did not order that the method of alcohol testing should be painful as an additional form of punishment. Yes, the method of testing SHOULD be comfortable...the other punishments are quite sufficient. I did not realize fully how much our society condones physical punishment, but it is clear to me now and i know that my suffering is minor compared to what others are facing and have faced at the hands of our "justice" system and government. It is easy to find examples in our wars on other countries causing generations of grief, our relatively recent period of enslaving people, our treatment of immigrants, our inconsistencies in how we treat the rich and the poor when they are caught with the same drugs in different forms.(cocain and crack), the innocent people on death row who can't afford a lawyer to get them out, and the most vulnerable among us, children, who are so often no stranger to abuse at the hands of the parents who bring them into the world and are supposed to nurture them. No matter how bad a mistake someone makes, no matter how old or young, I do not see it as effective or humane to torture them in any way, physical or psychological. Torture breeds torture.
I am trying to keep things in perspective, to appreciate having the luxury of being at home instead of in jail behind bars, and to realize that I could have killed someone on the night I made the terrible mistake of driving after drinking. My pain is minor compared to what I may have caused others on that night. Perhaps I will get a serious infection after these red marks turn into abrasions, and perhaps my leg will be permanently scarred, or perhaps I will cut the device off and then be sent to jail. I am stunned at this experience, and at how easy it is to lose your rights in this country.
I am glad to have found a site where I can vent about this and perhaps get some feedback and advice.
Hi, my opinion about the tether is that it is kind of a midevil device for punishment in the 21st century. First of all, it is not accurate. I say this, because I was accused of obstructing the tether, which is absolute nonsense and impossible. But as some of us that are wearing this thing for months and are developing bruises and scars, having pains ect.
where are our rights? The House Arrest Contract doesn't tell you anything about that you are going to be marked for good or did I miss something?! I didn't sign anything in the contract that I agree to have a scar! Why not stamping it on our forehead for everyone visible? If this device is so great! Why do they have only active programs in 10 states? If it is so great and accurate than I assume the whole U.S. should have it and beoynd?
To come to the rich and poor. It does make indeed a big difference if you have money or you don't have money. It pushes you more and more into a corner. How are you going to pay for the tether? How am I going to pay for a lawyer? If you don't appear with a lawyer at court you are presented on a butcher block infront of the judge! Period! Why can't they go after the income of an induvidual? It is not only the pain (physically and mentally), fear of is it reading right or not? On top of that you walk away with scars and might end up as a social case. Did I miss anything. Oh yes, I forgot! I am not some ANIMAL and don't want to be treated as such!
About the bacteria build up on the skin. Thank you so much for that also my dearest justice! It is a multiple punishment. I still believe in a natural justice and hope and pray that they will experience injustice within their own families!
This one tops all....Judge orders device attached against medical advice, I am in constant pain and have the ulcerated skin lesions as well as swelling, pain in foot, ankle, calf, knee, thigh, hip up into back, it's a modern day "hobbling" device.....
I'm so glad I finally found a site where people are venting about this inhumane device. I've had mine on for 5 days and want to rip it off. Was sentenced to it for a first time dui and it simply doesn't make any sense to me. The judges that so liberally hand out this punishment should have their heads put in these things for a week. Trust me Arapahoe County, Judge you know who you are, and AMS (maker of this thing), any permanent physical damage and you're going to get a nice lawsuit. I'm going to my doc this week to have her look at it. I'm sure she will not approve. And jail, for a first time offense? I'm not defending my crime but really. Perhaps the police officers should be held accountable for their lying in police reports. I began my dui situation looking at it as a way to make better decisions and give back to the community but now with these headphones bolted to my leg, I'm nothing but angry. Good job lawmakers!
Hi, Iwas just charged with my 3rd owi, the first one 20 years ago. Part of my bond was that I wear this scram tehter. When it was put on I asked if it had to be so tihgt and the girl said yes, but it should lossen up on its own. 15 days later I get a call from them asking if I used anything with Alcohol and I said no she asked if it got sumerged and I said no, but I did take a shower this morning, then she asked if I dried under it and I said no my leg is swollen and I can't get under it, Her response was just dry under it and you should be okay. After work I went there and asked for them to lossen it and the girl squeezes it and mad a sarcastic laugh and sent some one else out and she said so you want it lossened and because of their attitudes I said just switch legs, so she goes to see if it was okay and came back and took it off and said wow it really was on there tight. 3 days later the whole inpression of the tether is still there along with the discolor and the skin is thin and wrinkled.( I am going to my Doctor to see whats up)Even tough I thank full not to be in jail write now I'm pissed on how I have been treated. As an adult (yes I screwed up) I have all this little kids treating me as a joke. Yes Most of the people that work where I go are Like 18 and up.
I chose a SCRAM over a SLEEPTIME, because I was told that if I needed to travel for work that would be the best option. I fortunately only have 20 days of monitoring, but unfortunately chose the SCRAM unit. I was on home monitoring and that device caused a little irritation and pain, but this device is unbelievable. My skin is constantly wet and irritable and the device is so tight that it leaves indentations and causes severe pain. I have been waking up in the middle of the night in pain. On top of it, I don't trust this unit to not give a false positive. I am not drinking or trying to obstruct the thing, but I have heard about it registering false positives from "visiting the gas station", according to the people at the agency. Can't wait til this torture device is off. Thank you for the blog on this damn thing.
hi,I am also on the SCRAM bracelet and went to a group meeting (court ordered) and had it on for 2 days at this point.I was told all types of horror stories about violations from false positive readings and now I'm in a panic.I went home and started looking over things I use that were mentioned to have alcohol and to my surprise my dish detergent had it ! I immediately called my PO 4 times in 2 days and left messages to call me;but had no response.
If they know this is not accurate -why not allow me to take a blood alcohol test to rectify it?Thats what justice is-PROOF-REAL proof! I shouldn't have to worry if I'm obeying the law and doing right!
Is there anything we can do if wrongefully accused? JMB-PA.
Oh Im so doing my homework on this unit. I was convicted of my 3rd dui in the past 20 years. I am also wearing the scram bracelet. Court ordered. I work at a very fast paced food and beverage restaraunt in which I work the service bar. I make all the drinks sent to the dining room. At times during peak dinner hours I can make at times a 100 drinks within an hour time span. The scram unit is showing positive readings stating that Ive been consuming alcohol while Im at work. This is a positive false reading. I am now facing a court hearing for violation of probation. The only time I have a positive false reading is when I clock in at work then stops after I clock out. This is driving me insane because it is not true. Its like Im living a nightmare. Not only have I NEVER had a drink at work even without a bracelet but to even think about jeopardizing me having to go to jail and loosing my job would put me in a class of ludicrous. My probation officer wont even speak to me or listen to anything I have to say but she is making the SCRAM people appear in court that morning. Ive got a new attorney which costs tons along with this bracelet. Ive got testimony from all my managers that Ive worked with stating that Ive NEVER been in violation with any of the stores policies in the past 10 years that Ive worked for them. I also have the interlock system on my car in which I would not be able to start if I had ANY alcohol at all. Im in a panic because Im innocent but having to deal with a company that works through our court systems has me at a loss. Wish me luck and I will get back to you about the results of this case.
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Everybody is just bitching about this thing that we know is uncomfortable and bad for us. Are we going to do anything about it. We need to act on this instead of just bitching.....I know someone who could put this in publics eye but ill need stories and evidence about what scram does. Send it to
ok for real I have only been wearing this bracelet for almost two weeks, i'm beginning to freak out because it has caused a couple blisters and my ankle and foot are swolen!!! What type of metals are used inside and/or on this ScramX bracelet? If anyone knows please respond immediately.
Couldn't tell you what metals are used, but I do know the original Scram bracelet possessed caustic fluid.
i have pictures of the wrath this torture device has left on my ankle
and i take then everyday!!! this is BS and the state knows it
Ankle bracelet for 20 days for shoplifting 3 12.00 watches. 1700.00 in fines. Have vs of lung x2 blood clots in legs. almost died from pulmonary embolus. Was on cough syrup with codiene my only excuse. explain all my med problems to probation officer. started harassing me immediately. I made 63 phone calls for help as my ankle was the size of an elephant. My leg started bursting open. I went to hi office to please remove and he said no. But when we demanded he took a long time getting beneath to get it off. my leg had already been oozing blood and black stuff. He took it off and cried out I've never seen this in 22 years. Go straight to ER. when they got it cleaned off I had deep penetrating wounds and had to go to the wound center for 27 excruciating debridement and cuttings. we are now in a lawsuit. I have all the phone records and photos. all I really wanted was for him to wear it too tight for 39 days as punishment.There is a lot more to this but I just wanted to know if anyone else was injured that bad.
Mine wasn't that bad, but was near necrosis, looked like a black volcano with greenish discharge. I am compelled to believe that my substance abuse counselor called them because the day after she seen it they called me to change it. They loosened it and that was when I got the erroneous reads!
A vindictive bitch of an ex convinced a judge to have a SCRAM attached to me even though I had no alcohol related charges whatsoever!!! 280 days at the cost of 3k. Unbelievable.
Is anyone still monitoring this? I have a friend about to go on this & I am curious as to anyone possibly being diagnosed with cancer after wearing one of these devices.
No cancer yet
Three days on SCRAM and already have bruising, extreme discomfort, pain in my calf and upper hip area, taking photos and documenting all situations. May need to build my own case, but if medical problems persist and/or become more frequent in pain or discomfort I will file a lawsuit on my district and company for administering this as a sentence before I've officially been convicted of the crime at hand. I'm out on bond at this point, and will not subject my body to harmful abrasions ever for the sake of not wanting to sleep on a cold, bug infested concrete floor.
I was given my first DWI but because there was a child under 15 years old in the vehicle it was considered a Felony. I had an Interlock devise placed on my 1979 chevy P-up that i am restoring but my PO said I wasn't using it enough. and put me on a blow schedule. I Blew a False positive after using Starter fluid on the truck and she accused me of drinking (even though it was 9:am). Smart Start would not answer her calls or return E-mails so my PO assumed i was Positive...I also got a EGT urine test that goes back 80 hours to prove i was alcohol free. but ashe said "We don't accept that testing method here"! i volunteered to wear the SCRAM in order to prove that I was remaining sober and after only 3 weeks I have 2 major open sores. I am retired and am not very active. My leg is swelled to twice the size of my other leg. I am able to move the devise up and down about 3 inches but it only makes another sore spot. I fear long term damage and don't know where to turn. I found this site while looking for advise on whether I should go back and have it loosened, or moved to the other leg for a while. I fear the other leg will turn out just as bad.
switch legs, that's what I did
I had the scram anklet on for a year, successfully not drank in the whole year. Its not that bad, and a much better alternative to jail. Suck it up and get it done.
been done for ten years, still paying off debt from a false-positive! I'll take jail next time
If we put our.real names and case numbers we can use this site as our defense against false positives I will have to.have this I am very scared and trying to figure out how to dispute out innocence
I getting a scram this week I do landscaping and am terrified of a false positive I got a dui in Franklin Tennessee we need to put our names instead of anonymous I don't care who.sees this I did.wrong but don't deserve to go to jail for drinking when I'm not please reply to me
that's why I did hundreds of hours of research, impossible since Lindsey lohan got in the picture
I need an attorney that is willing to file against scam cam systems. I have major damage to my leg
Hello my name is Michael and I'm going thru the same type of wounds right now I'm looking for a lawyer to Handel my case
Has anyone had any issues with blod clots after having the scram put on their leg??
I had scram on for a year and now my ankle and foot are messed up.. always itching blistering and my foot is now turning blue and purple ... anyone know if I can sue the state of IL for this??
I was put on a Scram unit for 3 all most 4 months. During that time every joint in my body ached. My hands which already had osteoarthritis, hurt so much at times I wanted to cry. At first I though it was due to increased activity but after a while the aching did not go away. I couldn't sleep because of my aches and pains. It wasn't until the Scram was taken off and I felt so much better that I realized it was the Scram. I must say the Scram uses radio frequencies to make sure that you are wearing the monitor.
There has been a lot of concern raised over radio frequencies, such as radio towers even excess cell phone use. The same technology used by a Scram. A Scram is
attached to you 24/7. Really what are the long term health risks?
Yes I did get a DUI and I regret it everyday. It is constantly on my mind. I have paid for it emotionally and monitarily. Yes I did deserve my DUI and thankfully no one was hurt. I could have never forgiven myself....however until now I have always been a model citizen but through this process my thoughts regarding the court system has been tainted. I don't belong in jail. I am not a danger to society.
Thankfully I do have an interlock system in my car. The Interlock is truly a deterent to drinking and driving. A Scram is only beneficial when it is on your leg. I don't love the Interlock but feel that many law abiding citizens should have them in their cars as well. As we all know it only takes one too many.
Your idea would be great in a perfect world however, interlock is non-specific, I know people who got stuck at a gas station, couldn't leave a pizza party and one that drove off the road from a head rush! The courts recognize and acknowledge the fallibilities of the device, probably why they aren't in every vehicle.
I'm on my first DUI in Denver county. I was put in jail too and am wearing a bracelet. I went in today to see if they could loosen it and they made it tighter. They said it has to fit my relaxed ankle... Well my ankle isn't relaxed when I'm running around the office 10 hours a day in heels!! When my ankle is flexed its basically cutting off my circulation. The ducking worst.
Hi, I Also have a device and i have had for a year.This device is very uncomtubal but i guess its ment to be that way it gives rashes you have to keep from sratching and keep it clean.Yes the payments are so much.Its taught me a very big lesson for the rest of my life.I think the syestem really does work in my opinion.It keeps you sober and all and is a very good recovery thats my opinion.Ive learned so much with this device and done very well till now but it leaves you scard.When i first got it on i couldnt stand it hurting itching and all but ive already gotten used to it.hopefull i wont have much longer with it.I think the payments shoulnt be so much. Also if something could be done about the itching someday.I think every day if i wasnt doing wrong drinking i wouldnt be haveng to put up with this device. I should have been responsable and not drinking the way i was. So this is my lesson and its taught a lot to me in many ways.For me drinking i maybey woldnt even of been here today.If it was worse than it was.So all of you that have this device hang on and have faith and always think positive.The futhure is ahead and we all want to have a new start.For me sober is for the rest of my life.Never ever going to have a drink of achohal again.I am more happy this way.My life if different in a lot of ways now.I am much happier sober.
I've had the bracelet on my ankle for 6 months now and if that weren't bad enough,I also have monitor in my truck.I pay $182.00 every two weeks for the ankle device"scram" and $75.00 every month for the monitor in my truck,it seems to me that one device would be sufficient,I have know violations,HELP!
This is bullshit. I haven't been convicted of anything and have to pay $360 a month to wear this thing. Are they going to reimburse me when I'm found not guilty.
Is there any recommendations for alleviating the pain caused by this device? I a, scared to "tamper" with it by trying to move it on my leg, but the pain is overwhelming and my foot has turned purple.
Our rights have been taken I have had my monitor on for 5 months guilty until proven inocent part of a bond agreement whicheck makes no sense put up money dId 8 days in jail then released on bracelet 24/7 until I get threw my court hearing no time being considered for having it on no jail time being counted either from what states attorney is offering so get to not only put up bond pay for there program until I can prove my innocence wtf YET YE WHO IS WIT OUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE...JUDGE NOT ONE ANOTHER LESS YE BE JUDGED N IF U JUDGE SO SHALL YE BE JUDGED IN THE SAME MANNER
I have some very ugly photos of the injuries it cause me if any one can use them. I also have permanent scars.
I can be contacted at
I seem to have an uncommon situation regarding my ankle monitor, and I would really like to know if anyone else is going through (or have even heard of) a similar case...
I've been sober for several months now, but my SCRAM bracelet is regularly showing false positive readings. I would like to find out what is causing this.
I am currently attending a court-mandated program for non-alcohol related charge from nearly a year ago. The judge and program facilitators decided that I would "benefit" from wearing a SCRAM bracelet, and it is this program that put it on and monitors the readings and sends the data to the courts.
As a SCRAM bracelet wearer, myself, I share many of the same concerns and experiences that others have already been discussing here (such as the shame, discomfort, and fear of health risks and permanent residual scarring and other bodily damage, etc.).
Having said that -- My biggest issue, which also makes my situation unusual is:
I have random and persistent "confirmed consumption" reports (positive alcohol readings), and I haven't had a drink for over 5 months now.
What disturbs is, I risk incarceration and felony charges every time I go to the program (which is twice a week), because I need to be maintaining "absolute sobriety".
I HAVE been completely sober this entire time, but the judge and program facilitators take the bracelet's "word" over mine. I suppose I can't blame them because I'm sure they get lied to all the time by people who get caught drinking or using. Unfortunately for me,
I suffer the consequences for drinking, but I haven't been. It is very discouraging for me because staying clean and sober can be difficult. After years of injecting myself with heroin to numb my emotional and physical pain, and losing almost everything as a result, I started from the lowest place I had ever been in my life -- yet I've still managed to keep on going. I just want to get my life back on track. It is because of my SCRAM bracelet, that I feel as though there is no way for me to improve my situation from here. I am already following all the rules and doing everything I'm supposed to, but the bracelet is making me look like liar.
I simply can't find out why my SCRAM bracelet is detecting alcohol so regularly.
For the past several weeks, In addition to abstaining from alcohol consumption, I have also been doing my best to avoid direct contact with any scented or cleaning liquids or materials of any kind. I stopped filling up my own car at the gas station due to possible exposure to ethanol fumes, and even changed my shampoo and soap, and no longer use hand sanitizing products.
Despite these precautions, my SCRAM bracelet is still detecting alcohol, sometimes at levels equating to a BAC of up to 0.437, as was one of my readings from last week. After doing a little research, I learned that having a blood alcohol content of 0.3 can be lethal. It is beyond me that the court system believes I could have a BAC much higher than that for days at a time, and not only survive, but continue behaving as usual.
I've been enduring just about as much anxiety and stress as I can possibly handle resulting from all of this for several months now, and I'm not sure what else to do to fix my situation. As of right now, all I can do is continue staying on the right track and doing the right thing.
Hopefully, if and/or when the court decides to punish me with a felony and a cage after all the effort I've invested into turning my life around, staying clean/sober, and trying to better myself as a person, I'll have the inner strength and peace of mind to refrain from giving up. Having said that, I surprised myself already by making it through the past few years at all. I've felt depressed, worthless, and demoralized for most of my adult life, so chances are I would just save everyone at court all the time and paperwork and conclude all of this in the most comfortable and peaceful way I know.
I've had the SCRAM for 2 months now. No issues besides itching. The cost is crazy. Downloading the data to a phone line is time consuming, always takes me 20 to 30 minutes waiting for it to say online. You want it removed? Here you go: Have your lawyer petition the judge to switch you to a less expensive portable blower device. I think it's $130 per month. No lawyer, get a lawyer - cost $100 for a petition. Write down all your bills and subtract your income, take it to the lawyer and request a cheaper alternative. Do you want to know why you have the interlock and the SCRAM? Here's why, They assume you have a drinking problem, so they believe you can not control yourself, so they assume you will get drunk, even with the device on, and you will drive. With an interlock they can rest knowing your car won't start. There is nothing to stop any of us from getting drunk and driving a friends car so in reality, they are not preventing you from driving drunk, they are preventing you from driving your own car drunk. They know this, they don't care. It's all about money. We are talking about billions of dollars in DWI related fees. The court system is a business, it's never been about reform.
I've been wearing the SCRAM CAM now for almost a month. I have learned that getting an extra pillow to help cushion my leg and ankle while I am sleeping or sitting in the recliner has helped ease discomfort and pain. But, not entirely. I did say something to P.O. when she attached CAM to my ankle at the jail when I was being released on bond. She said it had to be tight fpr a good reading. 4 days later, I reported to her office for 1st reading and told her it was still too tight. She pulled on it, twisting it around on my ankle and then told me it was loose and I could rotate it just fine. The following week when I went to report, I mentioned to her that I have swelling in my legs and showed her BOTH legs and she told me to wear shorter socks and that would fix the problem. The 3rd week, I reported in to the office, and I had made mention to a different PO what she had said. He smiled slightly and said that he didnt think she gave me the correct information. But, he didnt explain further. I report again this Tuesday for my download report. I will show them the pictures of the last 3 days (and longer, if not healed) how i have severe bruising where the CAM is, show the blisters, bleedinh, open sores, and infection that has started, and ask them once again to switch ankles, as I had asked that on the 1st week of reporting. Also I will show them my health records where it is documented on how I am allergic to nickle and have Edema and cellulosis. I have a feeling if the P.O.'s don't listen, I will get ahold of my doctors, have them write more letters, and ask my lawyer to figure out a solution for me. If this device is harming my health, then that is BS. I am waitig until Monday when their office is open and if thry dont listen, I'm going to the ER immediately to be examined. Bc I really dont know what else to do at this moment. -Nat.
Here’s the first steps. Write your review on their manufacture site. Second, take this to court as a group. No one person stands a chance but a group represented by one crowdfunded attorney gets the ball rolling. Make sure everyone has medical complaints and all emails telling your P.O. the problem. Phone calls are hearsay. Put it in writing. Below I will attach the link for a review, get the information out there and speak up! Everyone in here needs to exchange info get in contact host a Skype meeting and sue the company!!
What caused it I have a big blister and the box side I have a bunch of lil white blisters and rash all over my leg! Same leg I had shingles the guy that put the bracelet on me said I was messing with it I haven't done shit and this is happy to me right now need ass what causes this do I go to ER or will it go away? Thank
Just got mine 3 days ago and they insisted I put it on the ankle I recently broke and is still in the healing process. Now the break is swelling. They said I couldn't put it on the good ankle because it is not shaped right. Got a call today asking why I am not uploading...which I am. I'm scared.
Anyone here in 2020? Just got mine and terrified of these comments.
I have had this scram on for 3 months waiting for my court date. This is a first time dui and first arrest. Not even a speading ticket. There was no accident.
It is unbelievable that we have this put on us with no conviction for this length if time and that it doesn't count as time served. It hurts, it rubs the skin raw. It wakes me up with the constant vibrating. It's inhumane.
Is this a sincere offer. I'm gathering my evidence and don't want miss a thing. I AM taking this forward. Never been so passionate about anything.
Ive only had the scram device for 5 days at this point my lower leg and ankle are sore to the touch but one thing that has helped is I ordered a calf compression sleeve on Amazon one size larger than I normally would. It is breathable and keeps the scram device from moving around without making it tighter and keeps it off of my ankle bone. I think that if this device were placed on an animal it would be considered animal cruelty but the courts seem to feel its acceptable to do to a human being. I also worry about false positives but since I also have an interlock on my vehicle I use it at least three times a day even if i dont drive for evidence to combat any false positives the scram device gives.. Off bug spray will set it off as well as a dozen other everyday products. Since I have swelling in my legs from heart failure they made it a little looser but still leaves indentations in my legs. According to the manufacturers health and safety bulletin you should be able to put your fingers between the strap and leg but it seems that will cause alot of tamper alerts.. There isn't much of a way to win with this device.
My bracelet has been on over 4 months and I have pictures of rashes. This fucking government control bull shit! (
We need a class action! Washington state is communist and so is Insley
On for over 8 years ,073 3 auto collision one died, 3 time convicted DWI of Gatesville Tx said all the beer busted at seen was ours! Police and Judge agreed another attorney told us our attorney and reconstruction person were paid off by Bastrop and DA. Looks to be starting Cancer but every time we approach Judge he puts warrants on? He also Sealed Case. Some Things in our Country need to be made accountable why these judges get 3 to 5 checks a month when I can not afford rent dont drink cant go to Doctor So sick think I am going to die and yet have to pay for 2 monitors at 82,00 plus 360.00 a month with all the down loads battery replacements probation fees? Please Dont take a plea!Dont Trust any one that's behind those Doors!
I have a SKRAM attatched to my leg aswell. I found this thread while searching for answers/ remedy’s to these damn red, itchy, bloody, pussing skin rashes I am aquiring from this unit. I have documented everything an would like to help you in your cause.
Sounds like you are allergic to nickle or something in the metal or material. Take pictures immediately and send them to yourself and also maybe send to a friend for safe keeping. Make sure the date and time stamp is on these pictures. There's a setting in your photo app on your phone to turn it on n off. Contact your po immediately. If they refuse to do anything, contact a lawyer immediately. You might have to pay some money but it is worth it to keep your health. You have to get in front of a judge immediately for them to see the health concerns.
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