Thursday, October 13, 2005

SCRAM: Independant Study Results

As we already know placing products such as plastic wrap, tape, paper, aluminum foil, or playing cards between the SCRAM Bracelet and the skin will trigger, record, and send a tamper alarm to SCRAMNET. If alcohol or a tamper is detected, the system automatically begins sampling every 30 minutes and the bracelet will also immediately begin sending a signal to the modem in order to facilitate transmission of the alerts and data as soon as the subject is within range.The question that's still unanswered is just how sensitive is this aspect of the device?
I was convicted of a "confirmed obstruction" charge that was impossible for me to defend.I have scars and abrasions from trying to avoid obstructions,I am wondering what this may have been,dead skin from the abrasions,string from a frayed towel or sock or a significant piece of lint?I may have been able to defend the allegations if I were notified earlier,metabolites last 4 days. In one report a probation office attempted to "tamper" with it and the publishing quotes"Penn Services’ manager of human services, Kristin Kurtz, strapped a SCRAM to her ankle for a 24-hour test run recently. Her mission was to attempt to tamper with the device.The company’s computers detected everything."It’s a nuclear arms race," Kurtz said, "One side does something, the other side does something to counter it.""A comment at this site states"First and foremost the device is very uncomfortable. They must be put on very tight and cannot be moved around without generating a violation alert."If you have ever been subjected to a cast you would probably remember the constant itching and rashes one can generate.Again "It cannot be moved,the companies computer detected everything,it's like a nuclear arms race!!!"
There is still the health issue as well.In the same comment the wearer quotes" In addition the wearer cannot use any products that contain alcohol. This includes soap, disinfectants and other medicinal products that use alcohol to treat common internal or epidermal infections. I have not been able to find any research as yet to the affects of this on the body. The devices are not monitored for cleanliness. While my "sentence was being imposed" on me the agency personnel laughed and joked about using a device they had just taken off another defendant. I do not have the medical history of that person. How many diseases are transmitted via bodily fluids. I cringe at the thought I may have just received an HIV life sentence. Medical conditions are also not taken into account when the device is sentenced. I have arthritis in both knees and now I am prohibited from using common topical treatments to relieve the pain. My ankles often swell and the device gets unbearable."I posted pictures of the abrasions in a previous post and have found that there are transcommunicable infections and diseases that would easily tranfer in this manner.Don't forget,you can't clean or treat your wounds or you will set off a "nuclear arms race" by tampering or obstructing!

A two-week trial of the bracelet, which is operated by its maker, BioInformation Systems LLC, in April raised questions about its effectiveness.The device was worn by five defendants who were awaiting trial and by the consulting firm's manager.The consumption of two margaritas and four beers over a six-hour period by the manager, Jerry Solem, who is 6 feet tall and weighs 225 pounds, did not register as confirmed alcohol consumption.One defendant's bracelet malfunctioned immediately, failed to work throughout the two weeks and was not replaced.Solem said in an interview that he was confident BioInformation Systems would be able to iron out the kinks."BioInformation Systems said it would have replaced equipment quicker," Solem said. "They said if this wasn't a pilot, it would have been handled differently."RACINE COUNTY MILWAKEE JUNE 2004



Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my girlfreind threatens so pour alccohol on me to get me trouble when we fight is this a death sentance or what what if she does does it mean i go to jaileven though i have not drank to go to jail or not to go to jail that is the qution??mike brehm

8:57 PM  

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