Tuesday, March 21, 2006

A Little Off Topic

PrimeTime documented a story I had already seen on a forensic show, but it hits the spot to see that the media is starting to cover "junk science" in our legal system. However, they still seem reluctant to elaborate on: How did That Science Get There?:


This story is probably the best example of what I have been saying all this time. First, someone claims to be a doctor.....then sells some scientific machine (this time a lie detector) proclaiming it to be more reliable than the pre-existing. However, this one was even sold to the military until the Pentagon banned it.
Rule 702, I personally feel the Government, from Congress to Legislature owe this man their yearly earnings, for not simply closing the wound that is Rule 702, in light of Daubert vs. Dow.
Instead the courts are bleeding injustice. Putting faith in someone who is promoting and protecting an investment, some are multi-million dollar investments over faith in our Constitution. The segment is titled, " Innocent Until Proved Guilty?".

"Instead, the diploma on his office wall, which reads "Doctor of Psychology," is an honorary degree, awarded by a Bible college in Indiana that used to have an office in the strip mall where Humble's first office was located."

"Pressed as to whether giving himself the "doctor" title is honest, Humble replied, "I think it is.""

""I don't believe the instrument was wrong. Now were the examiners wrong? I don't know," Humble replied when asked about the case. "I don't believe I owe Michael Crowe an apology."- not a doctor Humble

""You could not accurately discriminate between truthful and deceptive subjects using that device," said Palmatier. As to whether the device could be used as a scare tactic, Palmatier answered, "Oh, exactly. Police officers have for years."-John Palmatier studied the machine for the Michigan State Police Department."

""It's a scare tactic, but it's an expensive one, and it's unfortunate that you have police officers who believe in it," said Crowe of his experience. "Who knows how many mistakes they've made by taking this for faith?"- Michael Crowe"


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